Another Trip Around the Sun

Another Trip Around the Sun  --  The Life She Wanders

Here’s to another trip around the sun…31 to be exact! To be honest, with so many exciting life moments happening recently the idea of turning 31 has not crossed my mind until the past week. For once in my life, there is no fear or hesitation about turning another year older. Instead, I am flooded with feelings and of gratitude, joy, peace and thankfulness.

This past year of life has been an incredible journey of trial and error. It’s always a fuzzy, grey line on how much personal information to share on this platform and for me, I really created boundaries this past year. I like to have some sense of separation between everyday life and blog life. It keeps things balanced and as much as I love creating and sharing content, the entire world doesn’t need to know every single detail of my personal life. Instead, I like to use my life experiences as inspiration for content, like the Money Monday series and soon to be career series.

I think I’ve said it every single year on my birthday and most of society probably does too, but I feel that this year is going to be my best year yet. And I’m not just saying that to say that, I truly feel deep down in my heart and soul that absolutely amazing and wonderful things are in store for me as I enter my 31st year on this earth.

I’m starting it off by beginning a new job, in a new city and I’m honestly more excited than I can put into words. I’ve made my mental health a priority and have committed to seeing a life coach/therapist twice a month. It is the best investment I’ve made in myself! I’ve learned that everything in life is about balance and boundaries, and it’s something I truly focus on each and every single day. I’m excited to be creating so many new memories as I begin this next chapter in my life.

Another Trip Around the Sun  --  The Life She Wanders

I’ve learned that I don’t have to have it all figured out, that I don’t have to do all of the things at once, that being busy beyond belief doesn’t equal success or being productive. These are all discoveries that did not happen overnight and I have no shame in admitting that I’ve finally figured that out after 31 years. Remember, life is a marathon not a sprint!

I can honestly say I truly feel at peace with life right now and I cannot wait to see what other amazing things 31 has in store for me! I’m excited and eager to keep making Denver my new home, meeting new people and developing new relationships.

This is quite the short and brief birthday reflection but y’all, I am just feeling blessed beyond measure! I’m soaking in all of the amazing opportunities life has presented me with, appreciating how much growth I’ve made, and just cannot wait to continue this journey called life and make 31 the most prosperous, full of life year yet!