3 Things I Do Every Morning

3 Things I Do Every Morning -- The Life She Wanders

There is something I just love about early mornings. It’s a new beginning, the air is fresh, and there’s something quaint about the calmness and stillness around in the morning before the hustle and bustle of the day gets going.

I am definitely a creature of habit so having routines helps keep me on track and feeling calm, cool and collected. Don’t get me wrong, I love spontaneity, but something like my morning routine needs some structure during the week.

Below, I’m sharing 3 things that I do every morning as part of my routine. They help get me energized and ready for the day ahead so I can be as productive and open-minded as possible. Let’s take a look!


I’ve found that starting my morning off with some form of movement first thing after I wake up is key to my productivity and mindset throughout the day. It’s the jump-start my body and brain need to get the day going. Whether it’s a walk outside at the park, an incline walk on the treadmill, yoga and beyond, that early morning sweat session makes all the difference! I’ve also been adding in a simple ab circuit after each workout as a final burnout, too.

If you struggle getting up early to get that sweat session in, try laying your clothes out the night before so you don’t have to waist anytime figuring out what to wear. Have your sneakers out, too, and your water bottle already filled in the fridge. If I’m going to be doing something like a walk outside, I also make sure to put out sunscreen, especially for my face [love this tinted sunscreen from Drunk Elephant], and wear sunglasses and/or a hat for extra sun protection.

3 Things I Do Every Morning -- The Life She Wanders


If you’ve never heard of theSkimm, you are truly missing out! I was first introduced to it back in 2013 and it has been a staple in my morning routine since. theSkimm provides an easily digestible recap of the top news stories from around the world into an email that gets delivered straight to your inbox each morning. The recaps are to the point, highlighting the key points you need to know but also include a little sense of humor so it’s not so bland. No matter where you are - home, work, vacation - you have the most up-to-date news information delivered right to you. They also have a podcast and premium app to take your Skimm-ing to the next level! If you aren’t signed up for their emails, CLICK HERE to subscribe…you won’t be disappointed! It’s the perfect start to your day while you enjoy that glorious first cup of coffee!


You read that right, stay off social media. Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LIKE.to.KNOW.it or anything of the like, it is off limits first thing in the morning. I had a terrible habit of turning off my alarm and instantly opening up every and any social media app to check notifications and get lost in the endless scroll. What a terrible and unproductive way to start the day! Since setting limits and boundaries with social media, I’ve been able to start my days with such a clear mind. I don’t allow myself to check social media until 9am. If I have something for The Life She Wanders to post, I use the scheduler in Planoly to auto-post my content. It allows me to maintain my boundaries while still producing and sharing content on my desired schedule.

3 Things I Do Every Morning -- The Life She Wanders

There you have it, 3 things I do every morning to start my days off on the right track! Do you have a morning routine in place? If so, share what you do below in the comments!